Voice Recorder

What is the best dictation voice recorder? Best to worst:

BEST: New Cloud Dictation -  Smartphone app. Use your mobile phone instead of carrying around a bulky recorder. The Philip Speechlive service is Australian-based, encrypted, inexpensive and easy to use. 

GOOD: Voice Recorder plus Cloud Dictation. This system uses the new Philip Speechlive service in conjunction with a separate voice recorder - the Philip SpeechAir. This gives you the best of both worlds. The convenience of the cloud and the physical slider switches of the new cloud-enabled recorder.

AVERAGE:  A new voice recorder from Olympus or Philips. 
Many clients who dictate regularly are used to a hardware voice recorder with a slider switch. The Olympus DS9000 or Philips DPM 8000/8100 is your best option in this case. Please note that voice recorders do not come with transcription software - the software your typist will need. So you may need to upgrade software and hardware, regularly which is expensive.

Our recommendation is to transition to the new advanced smartphone app - the new Speechlive system.

In the long-term the SpeechLive Cloud app is will be much easier to use, cheaper and the issues associated with upgrading your Olympus software will be eliminated.

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        Philips DVT4010 VoiceTracer Audio recorder

        Product Highlights Optimized for conversations MP3 recording for clear playback and easy file sharing AutoAdjust+ for perfect settings in every situation High-quality microphone for utmost speech clarity ---- Precise conversation recording with automatic adjustment of audio settings Different environments require different audio settings for an optimal recording quality. AutoAdjust+ analyses the audio signal and...